Upgrading Prober II to use EDC-2000 camera.

Started by jvthorsley, September 19, 2014, 02:59:53 PM

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Some while back I was given a Huntron Prober 5300 with no EDC-1000 ISA camera card .
So I sourced a EDC-2000 camera and PCI camera card with upgrade details to work on my Huntron 5300 prober.
And rapidly came to the conclusion that the prober was not going to work and although the camera appeared to work,  the black & white image was crap.

I now have acquired a Prober II to work with my USB converted Pro Track 1 Model 20. This Prober uses the same camera system as the old 5300 Prober and wondered if anyone has converted this to work with the EDC-2000 camera that at least enables you to use a modern desktop PC for the PCI camera card.
Huntron no longer stock the colour conversion camera system for the Prober II.

So would be interested to know if anyone has done this upgrade.
The old PC's with ISA slots did not have that much RAM memory compared to what we are used to on a more modern PC, and running Windows XP SP3 + Workstation 3.54 for USB connection or centronics  port to Pro Track  runs better with a couple of Gbs of memory than a few Mgbs.