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Out of Production Hardware / Re: Huntron Protrack KJ2
Last post by fetron - November 23, 2023, 02:19:49 AM
Hello dogansabanoglu!

Please check power supply points:

The reference point for all voltage measurements is the Protrack front banana socket common. Multimeter common to Protrack common.

LOCATION               VOLTAGE                             NAME / FUNCTION
L5 (J22 side)           +4.75 to +5.25 VDC             +5V, +5 volt DC supply for mostly digital circuits

U37 pin 2 (center)  +11.4 to +12.6 VDC             +12V supply

+5A (near C176)     +4.75 to +5.25 VDC             +5A, +5 VDC analog supply

-5A (near C176)      -4.75 to -5.25 VDC               -5A, -5 VDC analog supply

C58 (- lead)             -22.8 to -25.2 VDC              -24V, -24 VDC analog supply

C64 (+ lead)           +22.8 to +25.2 VDC             +24V, +24VDC analog supply

U80 (pin 3)             -11.4 to -12.6 VDC               -12V, -12V LCD supply

These points must also be checked during range changes.
How much do the voltage values jump during the range change?
Out of Production Hardware / Re: Huntron Protrack KJ2
Last post by dogansabanoglu - November 23, 2023, 01:11:42 AM
Yes, there is the same problem on channel B.  I checked the relays you mentioned.  All working.
Out of Production Hardware / Re: Huntron Protrack KJ2
Last post by admin - November 22, 2023, 10:27:56 AM
Does it happen with Channel B??

I researched the relays in this circuit and it could be a faulty shorting relay (there are three). The channel A shorting relay is K34 (1FA), channel B is K36 (1FA). There is also a shorting relay between A and B, K33 (1FA). These could be damaged from a surge through the probes. It could also be the switching relay (switches A and B), K35 (2FA).
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by Al1234 - November 20, 2023, 03:17:04 PM
Thank you
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by admin - November 20, 2023, 02:17:13 PM
The slight angle at 100Kohms at 5KHz is pretty much normal as it was difficult to compensate for low level capacitance on an analog CRT. With the current digital Trackers it is not an issue.
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by Al1234 - November 20, 2023, 01:04:32 PM
Perfect that fixed it. Thank you all. Though when I set it up on 100Kohms the graph shows just a slight resistance. And back to 50Kohms line stays flat.
But It's a 1000% better now.
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by Al1234 - November 20, 2023, 12:13:40 PM
Thank you. I have done this before I think. But I will do it again and report back once done.
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by admin - November 20, 2023, 06:38:42 AM
Needs the Loop Calc to be run from Workstation and when prompted if you want to upload the calc settings to the ProTrack click yes (or OK, doing this from memory).
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by jvthorsley - November 19, 2023, 01:59:33 PM
Sounds a good idea from Fetron.
Can't wait to hear the next episode!!
Out of Production Hardware / Re: ProTrack I, hi Freq, hi ...
Last post by fetron - November 19, 2023, 12:23:53 AM

Please warm up 20 min.
Next step: run the Autocal and testing.