Workstation 3.5.4 sigAssist

Started by Al1234, November 02, 2023, 12:31:31 AM

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Hi all, I am running workstation 3.5.4 with a kj3 and a kj4.
The sidAssist is not reading cap values and the ohm and +/-Vs reading are really crappy.
Plus depending what voltage I have the PtoTrack on, sigAssist always shows a -Vbd value. The higher the voltage the higher -Vbd. Leads are not connected to anything..
See picture.
All picturs are when using a KJ4 unit and it's the same with kj3.


I am not sure of the cause. If you test a resistor do you get a resistance reading?
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Yes,it measure resistance ok. It does some diodes but not as easy as the resistance.


Do not measure with Sigassist in Workstation Manual mode.

Open the View Signature Zoom window and it will measure everything well.

I don't know why Sigassist Workstation 3.5.4 does not measure when using Manual mode.


On both kj3 and kj4 no capacitor measurements in veiw signature zoom window as well. Diode and resistance measurement are crappy and spotty.

And there is no way of changing the range there.
In view signature zoom window, If I choose hardware / connect / manual then it goes in manual mode where range can be changed. But then measured signature in the manual mode can't be linked to the view signature zoom window. And still sigAssist is no no 😪😓😭


Create a troublesheet.
Then take measurements on several pins and save the measurements.
Then open the saved measurements and go to the View Signature Zoom window.
Here you have to press the Hardware connect button.
Drag the mouse over the signatures and you can measure with the help of SigAssist.
Now you can change pins and ranges.
Drag the mouse over the signatures and you can measure with the help of SigAssist.

Workstation 4 manual in pdf attachment.


Thank you fetron, I got some reading in that window.


SigAssist can be useful on some occasions but it is the signature analysis that is more important. It was in its infancy with version 3. The value calculations are much better in version 4.
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


I think I am getting the hang of using the SigAssist as I use the program more.
It can be used in saved signature and zoom windows.

Thank you, fetron and Admin.