Version 2.2 data migration

Started by gulfway, May 17, 2010, 04:00:09 PM

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Will there be any data migration issues going from version 2.2 with a tracker 2000 & dsi700 to newer versions of equipment and software??


You will not be able to use the Tracker 2000 with DSI700 in anything but version 2.2. This combination was never supported in the version 3 Huntron Workstation. However, the tests you created can be used with newer hardware (ProTrack, Tracker Model 30).
Thanks for posting and welcome to the forums.

The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Workstation 2.2 will also drive the ProTrack / Scanner 1 and even has diagnostics for them.
Very useful for identifying faulty reed relays on the Scanner that do fail after some time.