ProTrack Meter / Frequency Check

Started by Al1234, June 24, 2024, 12:23:11 AM

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Hi every one. I was trying to do a meter / Frequency check. the 1st voltage DC shows 0.735400 and immediately started lowering. it just kept going low, I waited till it got to about 0.55xxxx, it was going down much slower at this point
my meter is a Agilent 34410A
the only stable one was frequency and it passed. see picture.
AC measurement are stable but they seem to be low.
I was thinking this is a capacitor issue.
any help would be appreciated very much.


Do the regular ProTrack diagnostics pass? Does the ProTrack work okay in use? If yes, then I would say you are good to go. The meter tests can be tricky. If you must use them try putting in the first value you immediately see without waiting for it to stabilize.
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Ok thank you.
Yes protrack passed all other maintenance test, loop Calc passed.
I will measure all voltage outputs from channels to see if they are OK.