5100DS Tracker GPIB problem

Started by tedseven, April 13, 2011, 11:19:05 AM

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I have purchased a 5100DS Tracker on ebay to help me troubleshoot PCBs (4/5/2011).  I cannot communicate with Tracker using the GPIB cards that I have tried, GPIB-PCII/IIA (181065-01 REV E, 181065-02 REV E).  I am not sure if my interface card has the proper settings; Switch 4 and 6 are ON, with all others OFF, and IRQ7, DRQ1, DACK1 jumpered.  GPIB drivers base I/O address is set to 2B8H.
What is wrong?

Thanks, Ted


Hi Ted,
Thanks for joining the Users forum.
We do not support the 5100DS any longer other than to answer questions.
What is the operating system on the PC? The GPIB configuration you have will only work in Windows 3.1/95/98/ME. If you have a newer OS (i.e. XP) then you will need a newer GPIB interface.
There is more info on the the FAQ:


The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Hi Ted,
One thing to note that is not in the FAQ -- the IRQ and DACK jumpers on the Rev E PCII/IIA card are all Open. What Huntron Workstation version are you using?

The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.