HTR1005B-1S Oscillator module

Started by DaveM, July 27, 2011, 12:00:15 PM

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Does anyone have an idea about the specs of the 80 Hz oscillator?  I know that it outputs 80 Hz at 10 Vpp, but at what power and output impedance?  How about max distortion spec?
I can design and build a replacement, but would like to have those data before starting.



Hi David,
Thanks for joining the Huntron Users Forum.

This is pretty old stuff so the best I could scrounge up was this old schematic and component layout for the oscillator replacement kit.

I do know the kit was offered by Huntron for a short time in the mid 1980's. There is another thread in the forum that discusses the 80Hz oscillator as well.
I hope this helps.

Curtis (Admin)
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


I'll add my voice to chorus of  HTR1005B-1S owner's whose 80 Hz module has failed, (unless one beats on the metal can with a weighty metal object).

Anyone had any success bringing these 80Hz 03243 (08-8000) modules back to life or finding a replacement. I can restore functionality by shoving a 12 V p-p 80 Hz sine wave to pin 1 of the transformer...



Although this thread is old, I just wanted to update Huntron owners having the pre-1000 units with a can oscillator module that failed.  The circuit posted here works with current off the shelf components if you decide to build one.  I just validated the schematic...