October 2009 Technical Support Newsletter

Started by admin, November 11, 2009, 10:08:31 AM

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Hello all,
Below is a pasted version of the Oct 2009 Newsletter. If you wish to be included on the mailing of the newsletter (roughly once per quarter), send me an email at info@huntron.com.


OCTOBER 2009 Technical Support News

Topics in this Huntron Technical Support News issue (Oct. 2009):
- New version of Huntron Workstation released
- Check out the Huntron Support Forum
- Fundamentals of ASA technical document
- New Tech Tip on the Drain feature in Huntron Workstation

New Version of Huntron Workstation Released
A new version of Huntron Workstation (4.1.3579 - updated Oct. 28, 2009) is now available for download. Some great new features and many fixes have been added to this new version:
- Redesigned Teach Height pane
- Scan List accessible from Sequence right-click menu
- Second XY travel distance field added to the Teach pane
- Live Camera added to Camera Offset tab
- Find function added to the Tree pane
- Updated Tutorial
Visit the Huntron Workstation Software page for more details and to download it!

Huntron Support Forum is Online
The users Forum for Huntron Support is available to the Huntron community. Post questions, comments and messages for Huntron Technical Support and members of the Huntron community and participate in ongoing discussions. The Huntron Support Forum is open to all and requires simple registration of a user name and email address. Forum categories include Current Hardware, Huntron Workstation software, Out-of-Production Hardware and more.
Visit and bookmark the Huntron Support Forum now. Come on and join the discussion!

"Fundamentals Of ASA" Document
This technical document discusses the basics of power-off analog signature analysis, how it relates to basic electronic devices and how it is used for circuit board troubleshooting.

You can download a 19 page, "no registration required", Fundamentals of ASA extract using this link:
Huntron Fundamentals of ASA extract http://.huntron.com/corporate/docs/asa-paper-extract.pdf
register to download the full 51 page version using our Download Product Information Form: http://www.huntron.com/asp/register.html

Technical Support "Quick Tip"
Drain feature in Huntron Workstation

The Drain feature, released with Huntron Workstation 4.1.3498, is intended to be used when having issues with "charging effect" on a circuit board. The charging effect typically causes a slight horizontal shift in the signature because of a charge being held on the circuit. In many cases, a nearby capacitor is the culprit. The Drain feature will briefly (100ms) connect the signal line of your Tracker (Model 30 or TrackerPXI) to Common while connected to the pin under test. The Signal to Common short is released before the signature is sampled. The intent is to discharge or stabilize the pin signature before the signature is sampled and stored by the software. The Drain can be enabled for individual ranges by checking the Drain checkbox in the Tree pane/Range tab.
We hope you find this feature useful.
For more Quick Tips, visit the Huntron Technical Support web page.

Thank you and best regards.

Huntron Technical Support

The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.