HTR1005B-1S Schematic

Started by namal, April 18, 2010, 12:09:13 AM

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My Tracker 1000 has developed the dot at the center problem, actually it is two dots close to each other (1/8 In) diagonally. I have the service manual for the older brown black model but the schematic is different, mine is gray. The PCB P/N is 07-7735 REV. J and unit serial no is 21A 08393. found F1 (fuse 1/4A) blown and have replaced it to no avail. Can't find the 80Hz oscillator on this board. Does anyone have a schematic for this board, or the service manual? any help is greatly appreciated.


The Tracker 1000 with serial prefix 21A did not have the same oscillator as the older types. It is solid state. The horizontal sweep looks like it is dead.
Here is a link to a schematic diagram:

I hope this helps you fix your Tracker.

The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Hi Many thanks, this will help. BTW any suggestions for the horizontal sweep failure, i.e.components that might be blown?


Hi Admin,
Checked the unit with the doc sent, couple of problems, +12V and _12V shows around +&-7.5V also 180V is around 50V though on pin 13 &14 or T2 shows around 102VAC. replaced c18 &c19 for +-12V but no luck, +&-5V is fine. c17 and d4,5,6,7 are ok. DMM check for Q1 Q2 U8 & U9 is ok.Also the schematic you sent is for Rev C PCB, mine is Rev J, there is a difference, my PCB does not have Q9 but there is a Q10 (MPS2222A). Am I on the right track or is the Rev J pcb different? do you have the schematic and troubleshooting guide for the Rev J PCB?

regret to trouble you and many thanks for your advise!


I will look into the Rev difference. Stay tuned.

The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Sorry, the only diagrams I could find were the ones I posted earlier.
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.



Many thanks for the responses, I am stuck, can not find a single component that is bad, but after removing and checking c17 and d4 the double dot has become a single dot and the horizontal and vertical controls have stopped responding. I believe that rev J has some other circuitry that is causing this. Can you suggest a solution or a probable cause?

best regards,



You may need to trace the sinewave signal back from the oscillator section of the Tracker. Check for a sinewave into the signal transformer. Somewhere your losing the horizontal sweep.

Another thing that just came to mind is to clean the range switches well. You can losing the sweep if they are excessively dirty. Use tuner cleaner if you have some.
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.