Changes to Huntron Support Forum - please read...

Started by admin, April 18, 2011, 09:40:05 AM

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Hello all,
We have made changes to the Forum that allow users to post links and images in the topics and posts. HOWEVER, you need to be at least at the "Member" level (after 3 posts) to be able to use these functions. We made these modifications to allow for better functionality for REAL users of the Huntron Support Forum and help give spammers the proverbial "boot".
Post here with any questions or comments.

The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Hi Admin,
This is my first post. Thought I would check this out and it looks like it works although the Image and Links buttons are still shown.



The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


OK, I will jump in since I have 5 posts right now...

link to Huntron:

test image:


The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.

MichaelHeit AD7VV

Our company just purchased a used 2800 and I'm looking forward to getting started with it. Unfortunately I was injured at work and not able to get my hands on the unit yet, so I printed out the manual read it cover to cover, and watched a number of videos relating to the unit.
I also downloaded the software and printed / read the manual as well. Now to convince the boss we need to buy the activation code for the unit ....😁

From the description of the unit we bought it should be able to connect to the computer, it included a cable and a software disc that I think contained a manual, etc.

My question is this: we bought a flight simulator (MD80) full motion. The sim is a huge computer with a lot of printed circuit boards (mostly TTL ) and the previous Airline used  Huntron to repair the boards. If they saved files on the PCB's might they  be useable, or will I need to create new files in the tracker software?

Thank you very much for any replies.
Michael Heit
Electronics Engineer Everts Air Alaska AD7VV


Hi Mike,
If you have a relationship with the previous owners of your Tracker and can get them to share the Workstation software tests then they would likely work fine. The latest version of Workstation supports conversion of old tests (old meaning tests created in software versions such as 2.x or 3.x).
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.


Does the 2800 need a separate Scanner to make a record of circuit board, and the 2800S have the scanner built in?


The 2800S has the scanning capability built-in. Two 40 pin channels using a single Common.
The most important troubleshooting tool is your eyes.