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    The Power of Huntron Workstation – Capture, Store and Compare Electronic Measurements

    The Huntron Workstation software has had a long life in various forms since its introduction in the mid 1990’s. Along the way it has matured and grown into more than simply a way to control a Huntron Tracker with a PC. Let’s take a look at how Huntron Workstation started, where it is now and…

  • The Three-Dimensional PCBs of the Future

    3 MIN. READ What could possibly be better for electronics than 3D printing? If you guessed using its capabilities to print circuit boards (the foundation of most electronic devices), you are exactly right. 3D printing is well on its way to revolutionizing the printed circuit board (PCB) industry. It is almost single-handedly responsible for the…

  • Most Common PCB Problems and Possible Solutions

    3 MIN. READ Printed circuit boards (PCBs) can fail for many reasons during manufacture and use. These PCB problems must be detected and repaired to minimize waste and reduce costly product recalls. Good testing equipment and sound testing protocols are necessary to detect these PCB problems at the factory before assembly or after the product…

  • Comparing lead vs. lead-free solder for PCBs

    3 MIN. READ For electricians and plumbers trained as recently as the 1970s, lead solder might have been the only option for joining pipes and connecting electronic components. In 1974, U.S. federal law began to target lead solder in plumbing, and by 1986, the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments effectively banned it in all plumbing…

  • How to Best Utilize Your Senior Electrical Engineers for PCB Testing

    3 MIN. READ Testing printed circuit boards (PCBs) is largely automated. However, the testing process still requires expertise to collect, sort and cleanse data for statistical analysis. Moreover, some test procedures are still better conducted manually. As a result, even PCB manufacturers that use automated PCB testing still need test engineers and technicians to support…

  • Why PCB repair is more environmentally friendly than replacement

    3 MIN. READ Electronics are often viewed as a “cleaner” industry than transportation, industrial chemicals and mining. This may be true after the electronics are manufactured and assembled. However, to reach that point, electronic devices such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) rely on all those “dirty” industries. This impacts the environment, and as a result,…

  • Small Business Opportunities in Electronics

    3 MIN. READ The diversity of the high tech industry, combined with the enormous demand for its products, creates numerous small business opportunities in electronics. Broadly, these opportunities allow a small business to break into a seemingly impenetrable industry and carve out a sizable niche. Opportunities in the electronics business can arise from products you…

  • The PCB Troubleshooting Flowchart

    6 MINUTE READ This PCB Troubleshooting Flowchart was first developed by Huntron Technical Support 25+ years ago and looking at it now is still pertinent to today’s PCB repair environment. It provides a fairly accurate window into the process many technicians and engineers follow when looking to diagnose and repair a printed circuit board (PCB).In…

  • PCB Testing – The Benefits and Drawbacks of Common Strategies

    3 MIN. READ Printed circuit boards (PCBs) can be manufactured quickly. Pick-and-place machines automate the placement of components onto the PCB, and reflow ovens eliminate the need to solder each connection separately. However, high-speed manufacturing requires a PCB testing strategy that can keep up with production. Slow testing can create a bottleneck in your facility.…

  • What Is Trending in the World of Printed Circuit Boards?

    3 MIN. READ Printed circuit boards (PCBs) were invented over 80 years ago, yet they continue to evolve. These developing PCB trends are specifically tailored to address demands in the current market. Customers now expect electronic devices to be smaller, less expensive and more adaptable.