Huntron and the DoD - MTR (Gold Disk) Program
What is the Gold Disk Program?
Under the guidance of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the Module Test and Repair (MTR) Program develops and provides electrical/electronic module
test and repair capabilities to organizational (O-level) and intermediate (I-level) maintenance facilities for both ashore and afloat commands.
NUWC DETACHMENT FEO NORFOLK Code 2525 serves as the In-Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) for various MTR equipment. As such, they develop and provide
technical manuals, develop Gold Disks for circuit card assemblies, and certifies Gold Disk Developers and developer sites. NUWC Det. also provides for the
maintenance and operation of MTR facilities, supplies technical assistance and guidance for all aspects of the MTR Program, develops and certifies DoD training
curriculum and schoolhouses, provides User and Developer training and is the Gold Disk Verification Agent for all DoD activities. Huntron Inc. has been a key supplier
for the 2M and MTR Gold Disk programs since their inception and continues to support the program’s hardware and software needs.
Point of Contact:
General information and support: email
U.S. Navy Saves Millions with the Module Test and Repair (MTR) Program
The primary goal of the MTR Program is to save on cost through cost avoidance and reduce turn-around time from CCA diagnosis to repair. The goal has been more than successfully achieved and has become a model for other military installations looking to bring CCA repair in-house.
Cost Savings and Benefits of the 2M MTR Program
From 1 Apr. 1996 to 30 Jun 2019 Navy commands outfitted with MTR capabilities reported 223,227 repairs completed, which resulted in 13,638 CASREPS averted/corrected and $804.38M OPTAR cost avoidance.
- Totals FY 14-17___Repairs___CASREPs___Cost Avoidance
- FY14___8,759___601___$37,163,983
- FY15___8,321___498___$41,037,672
- FY16___7,721___459___$32,213,559
- FY17___7,493___212___$22,480,245
- FY18___8,174___340___$22,525,537
- FY19 to 3rd Qtr.___5,427___166___$16,136,956
- Implementation of MTRA PREP TRAP will increase Cost Avoidance
- FY07-FY12___PREP TRAP___70-85% Gold Disk CCAs repaired
- FY17___No TRAP___34% Gold Disk CCAs repaired