Custom Systems - Basic Integrations using Remote Control
Use Huntron Workstation to do the work
The Huntron Workstation Remote Control feature allows control of the software from other programs. Tests are created in Huntron Workstation and then “controlled” remotely. The process of adding Huntron Prober capabilities to other programs and testers using drivers requires programming by the customer. Huntron Workstation Remote Control makes this easier by providing most of the functionality needed with minimal programming. Remote Control is used by programs linked to the Huntron Client VB.NET DLL. The DLL provides call functions used to control the Huntron Workstation application.
- Remotely utilizes Huntron Workstation for hardware control
- Save system development time
- Automate your test measurements
- Save on test time and effort compared to manual methods
- Works by calling functions in Remote Control DLL
- Included sample application and source code assist you with development
- Optimum for development in VB.NET
- Development can occur in any .NET compatible language
- Watch video about Huntron Remote Control
- Download Remote Control datasheet
- Access Prober Specifications