Test Instrument Measurement and Automation Software
Huntron Workstation Software
Powering Huntron Trackers, Access Probers and more
The Huntron Workstation software is the power behind the industry standard Huntron Trackers and Access Probers. The design is straightforward and easy to use yet
robust and flexible enough to meet your most demanding test needs. Huntron Workstation's goal is to provide a model driven platform that allows you to organize your test
procedure, execute your test in a repeatable process and interpret the results quickly. The procedures are comparison based where stored information from working test assemblies
is matched against information gathered from suspect assemblies and the results presented to you in an organized visual display. Take the Workstation Tour below for a more comprehensive view of Huntron's dynamic software.
The Huntron Workstation Software is designed to bring a high level of efficiency and flexibility to board test creation and troubleshooting. The multiple pane layout of Huntron Workstation allows for fast test creation,
quick viewing of component signatures, control of robotic probers and CAD viewing tools that update on the fly.
Huntron Workstation Slide Show
You can view an image based tour of Huntron Workstation by clickng the image to the left. The images will pop up into an on-screen slide show. Use the ARROW buttons that appear on
each side of the displayed image to move forward or backwards through the slideshow. Descriptive captions will appear below each image.
Huntron CAD Import Tools
If you have CAD layout files available for the circuit boards you troubleshoot with your Huntron system, Huntron CAD Tools are a valuable,
time saving, test creation utility when compared to manual test development.
Add Huntron® CAD tools to the Huntron Workstation software to enhance test building and fault isolation. Huntron Workstation uses
the Unisoft ProntoVIEW-Markup software to convert PCB layout files into a standard XML file for import into the Huntron Workstation software. *
The full ASCII layout file exported from your CAD layout package is opened in Unisoft ProntoVIEW-Markup where Prober alignment points can be selected.
An XML file is then created and exported by Unisoft Pronto VIEW-Markup. The Huntron Workstation CAD Import feature builds tests in the Huntron
Workstation software from the XML file created from Unisoft ProntoVIEW-Markup. This process adds Sequences to the Board database for each
side of the PCB (Top and Bottom). The CAD Import wizard also provides net prioritization, preferred board side, Huntron Prober slot
selection and optimization steps for Huntron Access DH (dual head) Probers.
Two Test Types are supported. The Component Test Type creates a component for each component listed in the XML file including all of the pin information.
The NET Test Type creates “nets” of up to 2048 Nodes (pins) with each pin being an access point on a net.
Not every type of CAD file can be used to create a test in Huntron Workstation. Pin X/Y, Net and Trace data is required. For detailed information about each supported CAD package including a file type breakdown visit this support page on the Unisoft website: CAD and Gerber Files Listings
* The Unisoft ProntoView Markup software license is not included with Huntron Workstation. It is quoted and managed separately.
About Huntron Workstation Annual Maintenance License
Huntron strives to provide the best possible software for the control of your Huntron hardware. Huntron charges a nominal
fee for the continuation of support and software updates. The first year Maintenance is included with the purchase of software controlled products from Huntron or a
Huntron authorized source. After the first year, the annual Maintenance fee must be paid to obtain access to software updates. The Huntron
Workstation software will automatically prompt you when the current Maintenance is about to expire or has expired. Huntron Workstation will continue to function
normally even if your Maintenance is expired. Versions of software created after the expiration date will not run without a renewed Maintenance agreement.
The Maintenance fee is due annually from the date of purchase. This means that after the expiration date a full software license will need to be
purchased to use any newer version of Huntron Workstation. We strongly recommend that you keep your Huntron Workstation Maintenance current to avoid additional costs and take advantage of the latest Workstation updates and enhancements.
To find your Workstation expiration date, go the Workstation Help Menu, select “About Huntron Workstation” and note the expiration dates in the Enabled Features field.
You can also contact Huntron directly for expiration date information and to obtain pricing.
Huntron Workstation Maintenance Part Numbers
- 98-0462 One Year Maintenance for Tracker 2800/2800S - BUY NOW!
- 98-0467 Two Year Maintenance for Tracker 2800/2800S (save about 30% compared to one year cost) - BUY NOW! (Select the 2 Year option)
- 98-0740 Three Year Maintenance for Tracker 2800/2800s (save about 40% compared to one year cost) - BUY NOW! (Select the 3 Year option)
- 98-0745 One Year Maintenance for Tracker 3200S,Tracker Model 30, ProTrack Model 20 - BUY NOW!
- 98-0746 Two Year Maintenance for Tracker 3200S,Tracker Model 30, ProTrack Model 20 (save about 35% compared to one year cost) - BUY NOW! (Select the 2 Year option)
- 98-0747 Three Year Maintenance for Tracker 3200S,Tracker Model 30, ProTrack Model 20 (save about 48% compared to one year cost) - BUY NOW! (Select the 3 Year option)
- 98-0466 One Year Maintenance for Tracker and Access Prober system - BUY NOW!
- 98-0468 Two Year Maintenance for Tracker and Access Prober system (save about 40% compared to one year cost) - BUY NOW! (Select the 2 Year option)
- 98-0741 Three Year Maintenance for Tracker and Access Prober system (save about 50% compared to one year cost) - BUY NOW! (Select the 3 Year option)
- 98-0605 Workstation 4.3 License for Tracker 2800/2800S - BUY NOW!
- 98-0748 Workstation 4.3 License for Tracker 3200S, Tracker Model 30, ProTrack Model 20 - BUY NOW!
- 98-0463 Workstation 4.3 License for Tracker and Access Prober system - BUY NOW!
Recommended Controller (PC)
PC with multi-core processor; Intel i7 or similar recommended
Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit)
Solid State hard drive
8GB RAM or higher
1920x1080px video resolution (dual monitors suggested if used with CAD Tools)
DVD drive
Keyboard and mouse
Internet connection
Available USB3 port or two USB3 ports if used with Tracker and Access Prober combination
- TrackerPXI, Probers with PCI based camera cards and ProTracks with parallel interface are not supported with Workstation 4.3
Huntron Workstation 4 FAQ
Q: Where can I download the latest version of Huntron Workstation®? Answer: The latest version of Huntron Workstation as well as older 4.X versions can downloaded from the Software web page.
Q: What are the differences between Huntron Workstation 4.2 and 4.3? Answer: Huntron Workstation 4.3 uses a different database format that requires 4.2 tests to be converted before they can be used in 4.3. The original 4.2 file will not be changed.
Here is a more complete list of the major enhancements:
- New Database format with increased read speeds and no limit on file size
- Supports conversion of all 3.X and 4.x databases including HBK files (version 2 and 3 backup files)
- Access DH2 Prober support
- Tracker Model 3200S Support
- Access RF Prober support
- Access DH/DH2 50 mil and 39 mil probe-to-probe spacing enabled
- Image based work directions can be embedded into Board, Sequence and Components level Instructions
- Enable/Disable testing of individual Components
- Support for Windows 10; No longer tested in Windows XP or Windows 7
- Built-in Utility for updating Tracker Model 30, Tracker 2800/2800S and Tracker 3200S firmware
- Component Level Group Edit that allows for copying Component settings to other selected Components including Access DH/DH2 Z1 and Z2 positions
- Pin Offset feature for moving robotic probe positions away from component bodies
- Support for ProntoVIEW Markup CAD data import software from Unisoft; CAMCAD Professional not supported
- Improved CAD Import process with additional controls to customize the import
Q: I am new to Huntron Workstation®. Where do I start? Answer: The best way to get started is by viewing the software tutorials included with the software package.
Version 4 software includes Software and CAD Import tutorials with the installation. These tutorials are also available on the
Huntron Training web page.
It works best to print these tutorials for easy reference. For additional assistance, contact Huntron
Technical Support.
Also check out the Huntron YouTube channel for Workstation video demonstrations (link at the top of the page).
Q: How do you store multiple signature sets for a component? Answer: Huntron Workstation 4 allows for any signature scan to be set as a “Reference” and used for comparison. This could be used to store References from several known good PCBs.
This can be extremely useful when dealing the differences in signatures from different IC manufacturers. Simply click the Set Reference button in the
Signatures/Troublesheet tab after scanning or select the Reference check box in the Tree/Component (or Net) Scans tab.
Although it is a legacy feature carried over from older Workstation versions,
Version 4 also has the ability to create a Merge signature set by clicking the Merge button in the Signatures/Troublesheet tab after scanning. The Merge function creates a listing
in the Component (or Net) Scans tab called Min/Max in addition to any scans set as a Reference.
To control which signatures are used for comparison, set the Compare Priority setting
by selecting Tree pane/Sequence tab and scroll right to the Compare Priority column.
Q: What can be done to a board test to shorten the test time? Answer: The most beneficial method is to reduce the number of test points by creating a net test or testing only the unique nodes on the circuit.
This eliminates any redundant re-testing of component pins. Generally, CAD data or schematics are necessary to create a net test.
Other things that can be done to reduce test time is to decrease the number of test ranges used (though we recommend using at least two), disabling the Z
Home between Components in the Sequence settings and grouping small discrete components into one component test. Increasing the test range frequency to 200Hz or
higher will also result in shorter test times.
More suggestions such as probe position optimization are available in the Technical Support Quick Tips
Q: What is Tolerance and how is it calculated? Answer: The Workstation software allows the user to set a tolerance used when comparing stored good versus bad signatures. It is set on scale from 0 to 99 with 99 allowing the greatest
difference between signatures.
Tolerance as it relates to the Huntron software can sometimes be difficult to explain but here is our best short explanation.
The software samples a single cycle of the applied sinewave regardless of frequency. For signature creation, sine information for both the voltage (horizontal) and
current (vertical) are examined but only the horizontal data is used when comparing. We digitize these waveforms by plotting 100 locations across the entire waveform
cycle. These points are the byte location. We then look at the location of where the waveform crosses through a particular byte location and assign it a number
(referred to as a signature point). This signature point will be positive or negative depending on it's location within the byte location and can be 0-99*. The tolerance
is the number allowed for a compared signature point to be "different". For example, your tolerance is set to 5. If the STORED signature point in byte
location 10 is "20" and a compared signature point for the same byte location is "30", then the signature would fail because the difference
between stored and compared is 10. If the compared signature point was 25, then it would pass. When viewing signatures in the Zoom mode or in the Troublesheet,
the deviation (the Dev number) is how different the compared signature point is from the stored signature point minus the tolerance for the largest difference
on that waveform. So essentially, the Dev number is the amount you would need to add to the tolerance to get a PASS result. The Area number is the sum of all
deviant signature points and is used for sorting the failed signatures. In the Signature window, right-click the signature box and select Data from the menu
to see the actual byte and signature (data) point information. This may help visualize how we derive the signatures.
Voltage amplitude could be related to the signature but this would relate only to the horizontal signature information. For a Tracker range amplitude of 1Vpk,
each signature point would be 1/100th of a volt making a signature point worth approximately .01V. This would mean that a tolerance of 5 would allow the
horizontal voltage amplitude to differ by up to .05V. With this analogy, you can see why the tolerance is sometimes related to a percentage.
* Note: Data byte values can exceed 99, but normal full scale is 100. Values like 101 or 102 (mostly on capacitors) could be displayed and it is possible
for values up to 127 but this means that the voltage has exceeded the voltage output by the Tracker.